Debunking Most Common Tree Care Myths

Debunking Most Common Tree Care Myths

In this day and age, there is a lot of information on tree care that is accessible to everyone. With just a simple Google search and a couple of clicks, you could stumble upon tips and hacks to help your trees grow and thrive. With so much information available, it can be difficult sometimes to figure out what is true and what is not.

If you’re new to tree care, you need to steer away from tree care myths and unsafe practices that you should not believe. Don’t get fooled by the following tree care misconceptions:

Cutting Parts of the Tree Is a Good Practice

Pruning is the answer when your tree has overgrown, or the branches are too close to your property. While pruning is healthy for your tree, too much of it can cause more harm than good. A hefty amount of pruning leads to vigorous sprout growth and shortened lifespan. Avoid this malpractice and only prune when necessary. As a tree owner, you should trim the right amount of limbs and branches during the late winter or early spring. 

Making Pruning Cuts Close to the Trunk Helps Them Heal

Trees don’t have the ability to heal on their own, but they can cover injuries with new layers of wood. In order to minimize decay, avoid making pruning cuts close to the trunk or parent limb. When you remove the branch collar, the tissues responsible for wound closure will also be removed. This way, the trees won’t be able to properly close the pruning wounds. Pathogens will soon infect the tissues before the wounds completely heal.

Maintain your tree’s health by retaining the branch collar and starting the cut from the underside of the limb to avoid tearing the bark ridge. If you are unsure of proper pruning techniques, it’s best to hire a professional like Midstate Tree Service of Harrisburg for top-notch tree trimming services.

Manage the Size of Your Tree Through Topping

Removing many large branches and the main stem’s upper portion is called tree topping, which is considered a harmful practice. It is mutilating and can lead to your tree’s death. Tree topping is still widely done even though it brings stress and injury to the overgrown tree. This malpractice also causes structural defects and pest infestation due to rapid re-growth.

Newly Planted Trees Need Protective Wraps All Year Round 

It’s a common misconception that young trees need protective materials wrapped around them. In fact, they only need a protective wrap to safely get through winter. Once the winter ends and spring rolls around, you should take them off. Leaving the wrap on too long has negative effects on trees. You should only keep the protective wrap on from November to April.

If you decide to use a tree wrap, place it around trees but do not wrap them so tightly. Wound dressings can help protect young trees from extreme sunlight and freezing.

All Trees Need Deep Root Fertilization

While additional nutrients are essential to plant growth, not all methods of fertilizer application are necessary. For example, deep root fertilization is applied only where needed and in the right amount. This process involves sticking a pipe about 8″ – 12″ deep in the soil before pressure adding fertilizer into the ground. The idea behind deep root fertilization is that since tree roots are deep down, the fertilizer also needs to be put deeper to reach the root system. 

This is a myth because the fibrous and absorbing tree roots are found in the top 2″ – 8″ of soil where water and oxygen are available. If you have healthy soil in your landscape, your trees don’t require deep root fertilization.

Tree Care Services Are the Same

No two tree companies offer identical tree services. There are noticeable differences in the quality, warranty, licenses, price, and level of professionalism. It is your responsibility to conduct a thorough background check and choose the right tree service company for the job.

Trees Don’t Need Routine Maintenance

Urban trees face different challenges that make them harder to care for than rural forest trees. They grow faster but they also die faster when they cannot get sufficient nutrients or otherwise sustain life. This is why your trees need TLC starting from the first day they are planted. Regular tree care and maintenance will ensure their health and safety in the urban environment.

We are mistaken when we think grown trees can be left alone to tend themselves. Unlike trees in the forest, urban trees are living in limited rooting areas, more compact soils, and confined spaces. To help them thrive and live long, be sure to provide them with basic routine maintenance. Keep them healthy and prune them regularly for optimal health.

Healthy-Looking Trees Won’t Die or Fall Down

This is a famous myth believed by many. The truth is no tree is 100% safe from death or aging. Naturally, even healthy trees can die from old age. Heavy rain and strong gusts of wind can topple and even uproot a seemingly vigorous tree. This happens when the ground is saturated, which causes the tree roots to lose their grip on the soil.

Trees with root structure issues may also appear healthy with green foliage. However, they have existing root damage that can lead to premature tree death or failure.

Bottom line

If you have trees and shrubs on your property, you will need professional tree care services to keep them healthy and vigorous all year round. Our certified experts at Midstate Tree Service of Harrisburg will care for your trees through all stages of its life. Schedule an appointment with us!